Key Note Speaker
Key Note Speaker Events:
- Moderator at Super Return Africa in Accra December 2014 entitled ‘Investing in East Africa’
- Financial Services panellist at East Africa Venture Capital Conference in May 2015.
- Key note speaker at the Women Entrepreneur Investment Conference in Zurich October 2015 hosted by Quantum Global.
- Key note speaker at opening plenary of Sankalp Africa Summit Nairobi February 2016 for ‘Is too much soft money encouraging a culture of mediocrity in Africa?
- Panelist at side event ‘From Financial Independence to Financial Inclusion ‘at the World Economic Forum for Africa in Kigali May 2016.
- Panelist at 2nd session of the United Nations Environment Assembly on ‘Business Dialogue for Environmental Sustainability ‘Nairobi May 2016.
- Panelist at CNN African Journalist of the Year Awards side event on ‘Women in media- does having a seat on the table equate to a voice?’ Johannesburg October 2016.
- Speaker at Women Advancing Africa conference hosted by the Graça Machel Trust in Dar es Salaam August 2017.
- Moderator of Gender Lens Investing Session at Sankalp Africa conference February 2017.
- Speaker at Africa Diaspora Investment Forum in Silicon Valley Jan 2018
- Panelist at Timeless Women Africa conference ‘How I Started My Business ‘in Nairobi Feb 2018.
- Panelist at Sankalp Africa conference ‘Fundraising challenges for new funds’ in Nairobi March 2018.
- Moderator for Africa at Inaugural Gender Smart Investing Summit London in Nov 2018
- Panelist at Sankalp Africa conference ‘Turning Intentions into Action: How to Boldly Implement Gender Lens Investing’ Feb, 2019 (

Speaking Engagements:

Grassroots Workshop on Gender Equality in East Africa
Date: 22nd June 2021

Women Win/ NFNV-Kenya
Funding the missing middle-market failure or
untapped opportunity?
Date: 23rd September 2021

African Business Chamber
UK –Africa trade & Investment conference 2021
Date: 30th September 2021

Xoco Unlimited
Future of impact summit speaking engagement on
practitioner Insights on Gender Lens Investing
Date: 7 th October 2021

Investing digital presentations
Date: 11th October 2021

Sankalp Global
The care economy: Role of social finance in
promoting gender equity
Date: 13th October 2021

TV (K24) interview on the loop discussing funding
opportunities for women in business
Date: 16th July 2021