My Story
Andia has over 20 years experience in fund management and 10 years of driving women economic empowerment goals. She is one of the first female fund managers in Africa and a global thought leader in gender lens investing. Andia is an entrepreneur and has served at senior executive and non-executive levels for investment and fund management companies, government entities, women economic empowerment institutions and civil society organisations. This has exposed Andia to a broad ecosystem which covers the private sector, women entrepreneurship, interface with development finance institutions, private equity players and business development support providers.
Andia has been instrumental in supporting women’s leadership and advocating for gender diversity and equality in the workplace. Andia has worked collaboratively with various women networks to improve their agency, upskill their member base and strengthen partnerships. She has designed and implemented research and technical assistance programs and created partnerships with financial and development finance institutions to innovate products and drive more capital to women entrepreneurs in Sub Sahara Africa.
Former Boards
Click below links to view:
13 October 2021 - Sankalp Global The care economy: Role of social finance in promoting gender equity
30 September 2021 - African Business Chamber UK –Africa trade & Investment conference 2021
23 September 2021 -Women Win/ NFNV-Kenya Funding the missing middle-market failure or untapped opportunity?

Christine Walters