
My Appearances

This page will include podcast and videos of appearances. To also have press mentions..



How Should I Approach Money And Funding? With Wakiuru Njuguna and Andia Chakava
Shifting Capital with Andia Chakava, Graça Machel Trust, Kenya

I was recently interviewed by the Afracanah podcast and had a ball talking about gender lens investing, glass cliffs and Celine Dion .


Gender Lens Investing at The Graça Machel Trust - Andia Chakava | #WomentoWatch2024

Speaker at AECF Gender Inclusive Businesses: Accelerated growth through gender transformative business models 2023 .

Speaker at Taking the pulse on S in ESG | Trust Conference 2022 .

Speaker at Tedx Lavington on ‘It’s About Time Women Invest in Women ‘Nairobi October 2016.

Equality fund - How feminists show up

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Andia Chakava - How to be a conscious investor

Finance gender equality gender lens investing and unlocking capital at scale

Leading Women Webinar: Navigating Your Career - Lessons Learned About Reinvention and Impact.

Featured in a July 2017 leadership video on promoting board diversity amongst listed entities in Kenya alongside Barclays, Kenya Institute of Management, Nairobi Securities Exchange and Institute of directors.

Interview with Global Development Network

Leading as a woman : Women in tech conference 2018

Gender lens investing How Do DFI's do it ?

Allies of Impact Unconventional Partnerships with World Benchmarking Alliance

Fundraising for SME's Absa Kenya Plc and Graca Machel Trust